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Wednesday, November 3, 2010

3 Week Update

My first week of being Vegan was very tough. I was going through a detox. I started to get flem in my throat and was coughing it up, I was breaking out with my skin, and kept thinking about meat. I was starting to worry and wasn't sure why my body was reacting this way. At the time I was going through this detox I came across, "The Kind Diet," by Alicia Silverstone. In her book there's a section on Detox for Flirts. It says, "If you abstain from meat and dairy completely for even a few days at a time, your body will start to discharge toxins. You may notice excess mucus, stinky perspiration, and other lovelies." I'm so thankful that this is normal. It's similar to when a smoker gives up harmful cigarettes. Your body tries to get rid of the toxins stuck inside.

I am happy with how things have been going after 3 weeks of eating Vegan. I can fit into my skinny jeans and my arms are looking thinner. It's hard to know for sure because I don't have a scale, but at least my clothes are getting baggy. Even coworkers have noticed the change after two weeks and wanted to know what I was doing to lose the weight. After two weeks my skin has cleared up even better than before I started being Vegan. I started to require less sleep to feel rested. I wake up around 8am on weekends without an alarm where before I would sleep in until 10am and still feel the need for coffee and an afternoon nap. I feel as though I've had coffee minus the jitters and the crash after.

Even my husband (the ultimate red meat lover) is trying out being Vegan during the weekdays after noticing the change I went through and the weightloss.

I slipped up and went a bit crazy for Halloween. I had some BBQ meat, cookies, cupcakes, cheese pasta, and more. I felt so horrible the day after and I couldn't stay awake. This made me realize that I can't even have too much of non-vegan food or my body would react horribly to it.

I still love meat, but I will continue to eat Vegan.

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